
Globe Lane Industrial Estate
United Kingdom
SK16 4UU
E Preston has been a specialist distributor of electrical and electronic components since 1980, offering thousands of products to meet a wide variety of needs and applications.

But we do more than simply sell components. We have built a reputation as a company who do business the traditional and honest way. Paying attention to the simple things, like phoning people back when we say we will, has kept our customers coming back for over three decades..

Our staff are experts in their fields, we maintain appropriate stock levels, and all of our processes are fully computerised to ensure a smooth operation.

We also understand that business is carried out between people, not companies. We do the hard work to maintain relationships with our suppliers as well as our customers. That way everybody in every part of the supply chain is satisfied from the manufacturer to the end consumer.

The company, which is still wholly owned by the Directors, is located on a modern industrial estate which lies six miles to the east of Manchester in the North West of England.

+44 0 161-339-5177
Globe Lane Industrial Estate
SK16 4UU
UK distributor of electrical and electronic components.

E. Preston (Electrical) Ltd is a UK distributor of electrical and electronic components, including switch products, indicator lights, microswitches, control gear, connectors & terminals, circuit protection, liquid level & flow sensors, safety switches, timers & relays and input devices.

Our network of suppliers and manufacturers includes known & trusted brands such as Honeywell, ABB, Chint, Finder and E-T-A. As authorised distributors for these and other companies, E Preston is able to source the right components at competitive prices.

Our expert staff, UK warehouse and central location allow us to fulfil orders quickly and accurately. We also strive to keep our team up-to-date on the latest product launches and industry developments.

+44 0 161 339 5177
+44 0 161 343 1935

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